Friday, April 16, 2010

I hope

My neighbor saw me doing some yardwork and came across the street to talk today. He started with, "You may not be seeing me much around anymore.." my stomach dropped. As we talked I could see the devastation in his face and hear it in his voice. His wife found someone new and he is moving out.

Neither of them are Christians, but they know that we are...or at least they know that Dan is a pastor. I told him we are available if he needs us and that we would love to see him at church (he had mentioned going before). I tried to encourage him that it is important to talk about this and that he should not go through this alone. I then gave him our numbers and said goodbye.

I teared up as he drove away, not as much because he won't be our neighbor, although he was a great one, but because he needs Jesus so badly. Our world is so broken and hurt, full of selfishness, greed and evil. God forgive me when I waste time obsessing about my pet issues and any level of inconvenience that comes into my life. People are falling apart all around us. I can see why Paul was so upset in his letters to the New Testament churches. There is so much need out there and we Christians (me) waste way too much time not meeting those needs. God has established the church to reach the world, and this has strengthened my desire to serve my church and support what God is doing.

I hope he calls. I hope he finds Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heavy stuff. I have faith in our God though. Praying.