I've been struggling with some stupid germ the past couple of days. Nothing major just low fever, yucky throat and the general feeling of ick. I like to fall into a pity party when I'm sick. It sounds something like this in my head, "Oh why oh why does my life have to suck so bad-I could be doing such great things right now, feeding the hungry, building homes for habitat for humanity, creating a economic system that will wipe out poverty-but no, instead I have this illness that keeps me strapped in mediocrity and only allows me to function at the lowest level. What a complete tragedy for the world and my life."
But I'm trying this thing where I don't whine about every situation I'm in. So here are some reasons why I like being sick.
-I don't have to workout.
-I don't have to clean.
-I get to take naps.
-I get to read lots of books to my kids (the only thing I've had energy to do).
-Since I don't have the energy to do all the things around the house that distract me from my kids, I've just sat and hung out with them while they played.
-Discovered that my kids actually like having me around while they are playing.
I'm feeling better now and the fever is gone, but Jaden and I are almost done with the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, so between my workout and cleaning I plan on sitting down and finishing it with him.
The world will have to wait.
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