Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I should be taking a shower right now

Most moments of every day I get caught up into thinking I should be doing something other than the thing I'm doing at that moment (I know, probably not the greatest mindset to have). But once in awhile, there are those moments where all I want to do is freeze time and stay locked into the feeling indefinitely.

Last night after dinner Dan pulled out his guitar and started playing. Parker started singing and Jaden ran and got his guitar. It became a regular jam session for a few minutes. Then the kids started to migrate towards Dan. He sat down on the floor with them and began holding chords while the kiddos strummed and they all sang a song we sing to Parker at bedtime. Modifications of the song began and silliness followed.

Let me back up a bit. My husband had just come home late from an extremely long day of work. I knew he would be wiped out, so I tried to make sure things were in order so he could come home to a relaxing environment. When he got home, dinner was on the table, the kids were fed and getting into their bedtime routines (just to be clear, this is not typical). I expected him to need some quiet time so I tried not to pounce on him like I do other times and start talking about all the important things that went on in my life that day (things like poopy diapers, time outs, being bombarded with questions from a kid who is already smarter than me). We sat down to eat and he started asking me all about the day and telling me about his and we ended up having a very full conversation throughout dinner.

While watching the odd little trio on my floor it hit me-I don't want to be anywhere else than where I am right now. I want this husband and those children. They adore him and they should. He works hard to provide but never wants his role to end there. He is a provider, a husband, and a father. I don't know how he does it, but he excels at all of it.

The kids aren't the only ones in this house who adore him.

1 comment:

TomandBecky said...

Love it. Sappy, but I suppose we all need a little sap now and then...