Wednesday, June 23, 2004

people are so nice

i could really get used to this blogger thing. i'm so encouraged after reading people's comments. i know i really should read dan's blog before i write mine, so i don't repeat...but i doubt it will happen too often since i have no idea where most of his stuff comes from. i guess he is just too smart and creative for me. i wish my blog was more like his. then i could have a competing blog and get people to like me more than him. frown on me if you will, but you would think the same way if you were married to dan price. (i'm compelled to throw a smiley face in now...:)...because i'm afraid that people may take me seriously and think i have serious issues that should be dealt with in marriage counseling. smiley faces seem to be the best way to show that this is all in good fun. :) :) see?)

trust me. i love my husband and have no hidden jealousy towards him.

anyway, the update on my life is that jaden is now feeling better. dan and i both got sick instead. i got sick first, only a head cold...but i hate head colds. you can't breathe, you talk funny and your head is so stuffed up your brain has no room to function so you act like an idiot. dan is sick now. its starting as a cold, but sickness usually hits him harder, so it may get worse.

today jaden cried all day. no joke. the good part of that story is he is exhaused now and sleeping soundly. i may get a good night's sleep tonight. but can a little person like him do 1 thing all day and not get bored with it? if it was me i'd be like, "yeah, my diaper needs changed and i'm a little hot right now, but i've cried all day as it is... so i think i'll try something different this time."

goodnight now. i'm going to try to sleep while i can.


Melissa Kranzo said...

If it's a competition (you and Dan) you win in my book - you go on walks with me and make me laugh and are a very cool mom. Sorry Dan.

Dan Price said...

Well I can't argue there. I think Suz is cooler than me by far. (pinches her butt).

Dan Price said...

Well I can't argue there. I think Suz is cooler than me by far. (pinches her butt).

Anonymous said...

Suzanne has always been cool because she is self confident. Not the arrogant kind, she is just who she is and has no problem with who you are. people are attracted to that. btw she gots that way because she had a dad who showered her with affection. which is what i am using as my example of how i raise my daughter (kara). hopefully she will turn out like suzanne


Suzanne Price said...

hey troy. thanks. that was the best compliment i could ever get. i'm sure kara will turn out much cooler and stronger than i'll ever be.