Monday, July 18, 2011


I just had a great memory return to me when I wrote the title. This is completely not what I was planning on discussing, but a little digression is healthy for my soul. Years ago, when I was helping establish a crepe shop I was discussing the espresso menu with the owner. I may have mentioned a few hundred times that I had worked in coffee shops for many years and he should trust me with this menu.

Well...he did until he realized that I truly though Cafe Au Lait (meaning coffee with milk) was spelled Cafe "Ole." The picture of him laughing and throwing up his arms in a mock Spanish dance whilst yelling, "Ole!" is forever branded on my pride.

I planned on writing about my time in Mexico...and this is what showed up instead.

My mind is weird.

1 comment:

Linda said...

So funny, Suzanne! Now what were you going to say about Mexico?