Friday, February 05, 2010

The Return of The Voice

"Good parents don't get annoyed with their children," so says the voice in my head. This voice also points out my growing gut and how ugly my feet are.

Well, you know what voice...maybe those parents don't have a pink monster currently climbing on her, yelling for her attention and a boy who repeats the same questions every 5 minutes. I haven't been ignoring them aside from a shower and now this current blog attempt.

My only solution is a car ride. Ahh, the joy of strapping them in.


Wendy said...

I think good parents do get annoyed with their children.... because they spend time with them. Strap them in and go for a ride!!! Enjoy!

Becky Childs said...

Dude--let them come over here. You need some quite time to recharge. And by recharge I mean cook me food. heh heh (the offer was serious though, and I'm stoked I figured out how to bold text.)

Suzanne Price said...

dangit. i need to check my blog more often. i missed out. they survived though (against all odds).

TomandBecky said...

there should be a feature where you get an email notification every time someone comments on your blog....if you can't find it, let me know. Way easier.