Tuesday, June 15, 2004

i'm back

wow...i left that last post hanging out there for a long time. that is exactley the reason why i hesitated to do a blog in the first place. i was afraid that i might end up letting something like "i picked it" be the only thought posted in a week. i promise that i do more than sit around thinking about jaden's boogers. for example...he is sitting in my lap right now and his face is getting all red and he is grunting, so now i am thinking, "is he pooping or just passing gas?" what can i say, i live a multidementional life now.

but just to prove my mind wanders away from him occasionally...

i've been thinking about how quickly and easily i have adjusted to michigan. it just doesn't make sense. i don't know if its becaused i grieved so much about leaving columbus while i was still there, or if its because i just love it so much here. for the first time i really feel like i fit. i feel so cared for by the people. i don't think i've felt alone since we moved here. i really think thats how God intended his family to be. its also been a humbling thing in our lives too, because we have been on the recieving end most of the time since we came here. i've learned its easier for me to be the doer instead of the reciever.

baby is fussing. time to bring my mind back to him.


Anonymous said...

hey suzanne..its me, danny quintana...how are ya...i miss u and that other guy u call your husband. i wish you guys were here in columbus but i know god has you were he wants you. anyways congrats on the little Jaden, awesome name by the way, i love the catcher in the rye. my sis is due for her first child in early aug...im s0o0o excited, little Tyler Ebra...well, you should go check out my site and lets keep in touch.... www.xanga.com/brunokid25 ....love ya...

Anonymous said...

suz - mom here. just read dan's blog, wish I were closer so I could help.