Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I cough...therefore I rest not

I used to think I did my best thinking into the late/early hours of the day. All a lie. I'm only delusional during those hours. The last hour I have contemplated why I find the squeaky shoes in college and NBA games so grating, what it would feel like if I did in fact cough up a lung, and why the word "bowel" is such a nasty word. God help me if this is my cream of the crop thinking.

Speaking of God and words...

Last year sometime I was haunted by Paul's exortation to not swear by anything but to let your yeses be yeses and your nos be nos (paraphrase mine). That is really hard to do. Simply yes and simply no. No abundance of excuses or apologies, no backtracking or overstating. This has also caused me to look more carefully at my language usage. Tonight someone on facebook posted a picture of her newly aquired engagemeng ring. I left a comment saying, "I cannot wait to hear the story." Then I realized it was a lie. The truth is I am very content to wait and hear the story. I'm not in a rush at all.

So I deleted it and wrote something honest and still hopefully conveyed my excitement. The statement "I am in no rush to hear your story" doesn't translate well for a FB comment.

I need to learn some more words. The words I use are plain. Except for the word "droolio." That's a good one. I made it up. It usually follows the word, "coolio" which is also made up. I use those words quite a bit.

True story, 'cause I'm coolio droolio like that.

I need to get more sleep.

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