Monday, February 15, 2010

A Reflection

Dad called me yesterday. His reason for calling? He "wanted to hear my girl's voice." They returned yesterday from a cruise through the Bahamas. I asked him a variety of questions about their trip, and also knowing about the new dresses mom bought (on sale) for the trip I asked how she looked.


"Oh should have seen her. She looked amazing. She is so beautiful"

and then he added, "In fact, she looked so good she couldn't keep her hands off of me."

Here is a little snapshot into my personality:
-I'm generally laid back.
-I tend to assume that someone will like me when they meet me unless they tell me otherwise (although I'm wrong about this at times, I prefer to stay ignorant).
-I've never grew up thinking my worth was based on how I looked.

Growing up I got a chance to see two extremely different people work together, raise children together, follow God together, and love each other unconditionally. They did a great job raising me (in spite of myself), but I think the most important thing I saw in their lives (after their commitment to God) was they way they loved each other.

They laid a foundation in my life that has benefited my husband, my children, my church and my friends.

So even though they may never read this post, I wanted to say thanks. And Happy Day After Valentines Day.

1 comment:

scott, tami and asher said...

Ahhh Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jerry - they've always been mad about each other. I love this Suz. I can hear your dad saying it....